I Sverige sorterar man sina sopor själv. Detta eftersom återvinningscentraler inte har råd att sortera åt oss. Men den tid som folk lägger ner på att sortera färgade glasflaskor från ofärgade och skilja kartong från papper kostar också. Tänk om man bara kunde slänga allting i samma behållare och umgås med nära och kära istället? Det går.
Originally kerbside programmes asked people to put paper, glass and cans into separate bins. But now the trend is toward co-mingled or “single stream” collection. About 700 of America’s 10,000 kerbside programmes now use this approach, says Kate Krebs, executive director of America’s National Recycling Coalition. But the switch can make people suspicious: if there is no longer any need to separate different materials, people may conclude that the waste is simply being buried or burned. In fact, the switch towards single-stream collection is being driven by new technologies that can identify and sort the various materials with little or no human intervention. Single-stream collection makes it more convenient for householders to recycle, and means that more materials are diverted from the waste stream.
Andra bloggar om: sopsortering, teknik, effektivisering, miljö